From Beer Mile Strategy to Local Ride Curation, Scott Baldwin is Making Front Pack Sports the Hub for EVERYTHING Endurance

Earlier in the spring my buddy, Chas, told me that he trained with a guy named Scott Baldwin who was building a social media platform dedicated to endurance athletes. On top of that, Scott hails from the Philadelphia area, so I had to meet him. On the Meteor patio, Scott shared his vision for Front Pack Sports, a social hub where athletes can gather and do what they do - seek friendly competition and training buddies, pontificate on gear and get exposure to physical therapists, trainers and new products. As I racked my brain, I realized that a purely social experience like this does not exist and there could be blue sky for an entrepreneur like Scott to nail the value proposition. This is way easier said than done, so admittedly I was a bit dismissive with Scott’s pitch taking into account his lack of experience building consumer web businesses. 

However, I did subscribe to his newsletter…and I was immediately hooked. Scott boldly covers ALL notable endurance stories each week and he does so in his authentic voice, which is goofy and earnest at the very same time. So when Scott shared some impressive newsletter growth numbers, I was super impressed and instantly regretted my dismissive first impression. In fact Scott’s spirit and his business development growth initiatives are so complementary with what Hill Climbers supports, that we conceived a live audience podcast event for him on the spot. What ensued was a podcast taping with a small but mighty studio audience, which asked fantastic questions during the Q&A at the end of the show. In the spirit of our first live event, we’re front loading the Q&A portion of the interview to put you in the studio with us. Now enjoy the show.


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